Tuesday, February 15, 2011

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  1. Do you know what is a beautiful girl to me?
  2. A girl with no make-up or at least light make-up, which will unleash her natural beauty. Seriously, sometime when I saw girls around me which is too over putting their make-up on their faces I will silently LULZ inside my heart (nak jaga hati mereka2 ni..ekekeke). Please don't overrated with your make-up girls, you are not what they called as an Chinese Opera actors/tresses.
  3. A little bit foundation on your cheeks and lip gloss would be so nice to me. Too reddish lips would sometimes make me wondering, apa mereka2 ni x takut ke termakan sekali dengan lipstick2 time makan nasi lauk ayam goreng tu. I used to put lipsticks on my lips, but that was too long ago, during my kindergarten time. My teacher force to put lipstick on all of us who took part during mini concert at that time. And guess what, I still remember how it taste and it was yucks...hahahaha 
  4. Believe me, nothing compare to the natural beauty. But, some people may will not be agree with me. No offense, "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder"

Aku punya English semakin lama nampak makin jahanam....Perlu mula bercakap English nampaknya dan keep up polishing my writing skills....

Wait, nowadays most of us using computer for typing. So how can I polish my writing skills?...



  1. tukar to typing skills lah..kua..kua..

  2. we girls don't put foundation on our cheeks, the ones we put on our cheeks is called blusher.

  3. ooo...foundation tu bukan macam bedak asas ke?...bedak asas tidak disapu pada pipi ke?...and kalau x silap aku sekarang ni dah mcm ada bedak asas versi cecair kan? (eh..pesal aku mcm terer plak bab mekap2 ni?..hahaha..ke buat2 terer)

  4. yelah.. foundation tu bedak asas. kami tak sapunya di cheek semata-mata, kami sapu di seluruh muka.
