Life After You and Over You.
Ten miles from town and I just broke down
Spittin' out smoke on the side of the road
I'm out here alone just tryin' to get home
To tell you I was wrong but you already know
Believe me I won't stop at nothin'
To see you so I've started runnin'
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after
After the life we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you
Last time we talked, the night that I walked
Burns like an iron in the back of my mind
I must've been high to say you and I
Weren't meant to be and just wastin' my time
Oh, why did I ever doubt you?
You know I would die here without you
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' that all that still matters is love ever after
After the life we've been through
'Cause I know there's no life after you
You and I, right or wrong, there's no other one
After this time I spent alone
It's hard to believe that a man with sight could be so blind
Thinkin' 'bout the better times, must've been outta my mind
So I'm runnin' back to tell you
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
Without you God knows what I'd do, yeah
All that I'm after is a life full of laughter
As long as I'm laughin' with you
I'm thinkin' 'bout all that still matters is love ever after
After the life we've been through, yeah
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you
Know there's no life after you, yeah
Now that it?s all said and done, I can?t believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down like an old abandoned house
What you said when you left, just left me cold and out of breath
I felt if I was in way to deep, guess I let you get the best of me
Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I?d doubt you, I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I?m slowly getting closure, I guess it?s really over
I?m finally getting better
And now I?m picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
'Cause the day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you
You took a hammer to these walls, dragged the memories down the hall
Packed your bags and walked away, there was nothing I could say
And when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up
So did my eyes so I could see that you never were the best for me
Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I?d doubt you, I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I?m slowly getting closure, I guess it?s really over
I?m finally getting better
And now I?m picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
'Cause the day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you
Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I?d doubt you, I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I?d doubt you, I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I?m slowly getting closure, I guess it?s really over
I?m finally getting better
And ow I?m picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
Well, I'm putting my heart back together
'Cause I got over you and I got over you
And I got over you
'Cause the day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you
Untuk menambahkan lagi nikmat penghayatan lagu2 diatas, bolehlah dapatkan headphone macam Philips. Sound quality is osem!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Video Seks Anwar Ibrahim
Sana sini orang sibuk berbicara mengenai video seks Anwar Ibrahim.
Korang nak tengok ke video yang berkaitan dengan video seks Anwar Ibrahim yang digembar gemburkan tu?
Kalau korang berani tengoklah video yang aku share ni!
Korang nak tengok ke video yang berkaitan dengan video seks Anwar Ibrahim yang digembar gemburkan tu?
Kalau korang berani tengoklah video yang aku share ni!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
... dalam sampul
Tajuk entri kali ini adalah ... dalam botol ... dalam sampul.
Tadi petang bos panggil nak bagi sekeping sampul surat.
Dalam sampul surat tu ada surat.
Pada surat tu ada kesan taip.
Kesan taip tu ialah keputusan appraisal. Company aku ni ada perjanjian dengan Kementerian Pelajaran ke? Arini KP umumkan keputusan SPM, arini jugak company aku umumkan keputusan appraisal.
Bukak je sampul tengok keputusan agak sentap.
Rasa macam x mendapat hasil yang berbaloi dengan apa aku dah contribute.
Kalau company selalu berkira dengan aku boleh plak?
Aku x salahkan bos. Bos aku terikat denga sistem Aku sangat bersyukur dan berterima kasih sebab bekerja dengan bos aku sekarang ni.
Tadi petang bos panggil nak bagi sekeping sampul surat.
Dalam sampul surat tu ada surat.
Pada surat tu ada kesan taip.
Kesan taip tu ialah keputusan appraisal. Company aku ni ada perjanjian dengan Kementerian Pelajaran ke? Arini KP umumkan keputusan SPM, arini jugak company aku umumkan keputusan appraisal.
Bukak je sampul tengok keputusan agak sentap.
Rasa macam x mendapat hasil yang berbaloi dengan apa aku dah contribute.
Kalau company selalu berkira dengan aku boleh plak?
Aku x salahkan bos. Bos aku terikat denga sistem Aku sangat bersyukur dan berterima kasih sebab bekerja dengan bos aku sekarang ni.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Nikah Kahwin
20Mac2011, berlangsung majlis walimah Cik Puan Gadis Yang Tidak Tahu Mana Mau Pergi, Tapi Sedang Pergi (An idealist that doesn't know where she's going, but is on her way) dengan pasangan beliau Abang Loque..
Di sini aku embedded kan ucapan khas tahniah kepada korang berdua.
Err..coklat bentuk hati kaler putih tu sedaplah. Kau beli kat mana ek Qila?
Di sini aku embedded kan ucapan khas tahniah kepada korang berdua.
Err..coklat bentuk hati kaler putih tu sedaplah. Kau beli kat mana ek Qila?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Kekasih Halal
Kekasih Halal.
Aku telah lelah
Memilih memilah mencari wanita
Siapakah dirinya
Yang kan menjadi kekasih halalku
Tiba-tiba aku terpana
Ada kejutan tak terduga
Dia gadis berkerudung merah
Hatiku tergoda tergugah
Tak cuma parasnya yang indah
Dia baik dia soleha
Dia gadis berkerudung merah
Bawalah diriku padanya
Takkan habis ku berdoa
Jadi kekasih halalnya
Jadikan diriku halal
Memeluk halal menciummu
Lekaslah jangan tunda
Untuk menjadi kekasih halalku
Itu itu dia gadis berkerudung merah
Hatiku tergoda tergugah
Tak cuma parasnya yang indah
Dia baik dia soleha
Mendalam maksud liriknya. Lagu ini nyanyian Kumpulan Wali Band dari Republik Indonesia. Aku agak menggemari lagu-lagu kumpulan Wali Band ini kerana kebanyakan lirik lagunya penuh dengan nasihat dan seruan mendekatkan diri dengan agama Islam dan pencipta-Nya.
Walaupun starting lagu ini bunyi macam ringtone polifonik but wadehek, mat salleh kata "Don't judge A book by It's cover"
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Kuala Lumpur!
Altimet feat Noh Hujan
Oh kotarayaku
Kisah seribu satu
Abadi di jalananmu
Ini kotaraya yang sering berkata
Kalau berani ayuh mari cuba saya
Siapa mahu cuba dicabar semua
Si kota terima dengan tangan terbuka
Apa hasratnya bila ditanya
Si kota hanya senyum selamba
Apa kamu mahu semuanya bisa
Jemput ke rumahku sila-sila
Di dalam hatinya banyak rahsia
Banyak kisah benar ramai saksinya
Ada yang gagal ada yang berjaya
Ada bersahaja ada capai kerjaya
Ada rezeki yang melimpah ruah
Hingga kurang nasi terlebih kuah
Ada yang sial ada yang bertuah
Cerita sama hanya watak berubah
Di Kuala Lumpur
Oh Kuala Lumpur
Kau yang tak pernah tidur
Menjaga mimpi yang luntur
Oh kotarayaku
Kisah seribu satu
Abadi di jalananmu
Ini kotaraya talam dua muka
Katanya madu kau disuap cuka
Selepas dibelai hatimu di luka
Di pijak kepala lepas di beri muka
Kau kan ditelan lantas diludah
Pesta sementara sesal tak sudah
Lampu berkelipan bikin hati buta
Hidup serba laju trafik kura-kura
Bukan main-main tapi tetap selamba
Suasana berubah bila malam melanda
Lihat anak muda yang tak punya
Tujuan berlumba guna kuasa kuda
Jangan salah laku cuba lawan syahdu
Senyala lilin mengejar wap *******
Ramai yang gagal bila di duga
Tapi masih ramai yang berani cuba
Di Kuala Lumpur
Ulang Chorus
Aku rehat sebentar di kaki lima
Yang jadi riba melayan minda
Aku sedar kota sekadar latar
Untuk opera hidup yang bermain di layar lara
Ulang Chorus
Kuala Lumpur.
Lambang urbanisasi.
Lambang liberasasi.
Lambang modenisasi.
Pengubah suatu sisi.
Ramai yang mahu mengungsi ke sini.
Bahana terpesona dengan mimpi-mimpi.
Kuala Lumpur.
Entah mengapa.
Hatiku tidak terpana.
Langsung sekali teruja.
Bagiku ia cuma.
Lambang kecelaruan minda.
Kuala Lumpur.
Ada apa dengannya?
Aku memang dari dulu x berapa gemor masuk Key Yel. Key El ni bagiku sesak lagi menyesakkan.
Nak kata benci sangat tu xdelah. Sebab orang2 cakap jangan kita terlalu membenci sesuatu itu, kerana satu hari nanti kita akan menyukainya kerana terlalu membencinya!.
Aku bangga jadi anak kampong!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Kertas Gula-gula dan chenta~~
Semalam aku merayau2 dalam dunia siber. Entah camne terjumpa satu kenyataan berkenaan dengan signifikannya kertas gula-gula dan isihati dan perasaan sesoerang terhadap anda.
Quite shocking though, never thought that a simple piece of paper can express quite a lot of feelings.
Alrite, mari kita rungkaikan rahsia di sebalik cara lipatan secebis kertas gula-gula dan perasaan beliau terhadap anda:
godemit. how sweet. =p
Nampak gaya lepas ni kalau nak test market lehlah anda2 diluar sana mencuba taktik ini.
Amaran: Mencuba atas risiko sendiri. Tidak dijamin yang anda akan menjadi angau seandainya perkara2 di atas terjadi. Don't drink and drive!
Quite shocking though, never thought that a simple piece of paper can express quite a lot of feelings.
Alrite, mari kita rungkaikan rahsia di sebalik cara lipatan secebis kertas gula-gula dan perasaan beliau terhadap anda:
- kalau dia lipat2 ketas tu- nak tampak perfect kat depan anda
- kalau dia komot2 pastu buang- anda xde makna apa2 bagi dia
- kalau dia buat jadi bola- dia nak anda bagi peluang
- kalau dia lipat pastu masuk poket- tu confirm dia memang nak anda
- kalau dia wat bola pastu dia masuk poket- nak anda beri peluang n dia rasa dia memang berpeluang untuk mendekati anda
godemit. how sweet. =p
Nampak gaya lepas ni kalau nak test market lehlah anda2 diluar sana mencuba taktik ini.
Amaran: Mencuba atas risiko sendiri. Tidak dijamin yang anda akan menjadi angau seandainya perkara2 di atas terjadi. Don't drink and drive!
Kut gula-gula camni aku amalkan yang no 2 tu kut..kah kah kah |
Agak-agaklah bro!
Kita tahu bencana alam ini diluar bidang kawalan manusia. Kerana manusia itu tergolong dalam 'Makhluk'. Makhluk ini adalah kata terbitan daripada Bahsa Arab Kholaq. Makhluk bermaksud ciptaan, manakala Kholaq ialah cipta. Allah The Great pula dikategorikan sebagai Khaliq. Normally para ulama akan menggunakan perkataan Al-Khaliq. Khaliq ini maksudnya pencipta, kalau dalam bahasa PPSMInya creature.
Secara logiknya, takkanlah benda yang dicipta mampu nak mengatasi kuasa sang pencipta atau dalam bahasa kasarnya mana boleh lawan taukey!
Umum mengetahui bahawa negara Jepun baru sahaja dilanda bencana berganda, gempa bumi berskala 8.9 skala Ritcher + ombak Tsunami yang melanda dan meratakan sebagian besau kawasan utara Jepun. Banyak kemusnahan dan kemalangan jiwa yang berlaku. Takziah diucapkan kepada mereka atas musibah yang melanda.
Tapi di1Malaysia lain pula ceritanya. Apa ceritanya? Cer citer, cer citer.
Al-kisahnya dihikayatkan sebuah hikayat, yang tidak segah Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa mahupun Hikayat Tuhfat An-Nafis tapi khabarnya Hikayat ini telah mendapat perhatian seanteeo dunia. Dikisahkan melalui naskhah terbitan Berita Minggu 13 Mac 2011, sebuah komik telah diluluskan untuk dicetak oleh pihak pengarang untuk tatapan umum. Apekebenda kartunnya tu? Tengok bawah ni:
Mungkin bagi sesetengah orang ini humor. Tapi tolonglah. Bukan semua benda boleh dilawakkan.Bayangkan, kau ada sedara mara kat Jepun semasa kejadian itu, dan kemudian disahkan telah terkorban. Apa mungkin ketika itu baru kau nak pakai otak? baghal!
Aku x salahkan kartunis tu langsung. Yang aku salahkan kepada Sang Ketua ataupun sape2 sahaja yang berkuasa untuk meluluskan kartun ini dicetak. Kenapa? Sang kartunis cuma menghantar artworknya utk memenuhi slot yang telah diperuntukkan utk dia setiap minggu. Sudah tentu draft itu perlu dihantar dan disemak oleh ketua dan kemudian kalau dia rasa kartun itu x sesuai, dia boleh maki kartunis itu sendiri sambil meminta beliau melukis kartun yang lain.
Ini susahnya kalau dapat ketua yang bangang tahap mengalahkan unta padang pasir. Kalau bab keje nak hentam pembangkang selamba biawak padang pasir sanggup mengedit berkali2 berita, material agar segalanya nampak buruk.
Ya aku tahu mereka telah mengeluarkan kenyataan meminta maaf di sini. Tapi berita ini telah pun menyebabkan nama Malaysia jadi busuk, hancing, berulat dan sebagainya. Buktinya di sini.
Aku cadangkan agar Ketua yang meluluskan terbitan kartun untuk akhbar ini meletak jawatan, dan kemudian dihantar ke Jepun sebagai menebus dosa-dosa kerana kebaghalannya dengan membantu menyelamatkan mangsa2 Tsunami di sana, tanpa gaji.
Time tu baru kau tahu apa rasanya duduk dalam kasut orang jepun!
Secara logiknya, takkanlah benda yang dicipta mampu nak mengatasi kuasa sang pencipta atau dalam bahasa kasarnya mana boleh lawan taukey!
Umum mengetahui bahawa negara Jepun baru sahaja dilanda bencana berganda, gempa bumi berskala 8.9 skala Ritcher + ombak Tsunami yang melanda dan meratakan sebagian besau kawasan utara Jepun. Banyak kemusnahan dan kemalangan jiwa yang berlaku. Takziah diucapkan kepada mereka atas musibah yang melanda.
Tapi di
Al-kisahnya dihikayatkan sebuah hikayat, yang tidak segah Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa mahupun Hikayat Tuhfat An-Nafis tapi khabarnya Hikayat ini telah mendapat perhatian seanteeo dunia. Dikisahkan melalui naskhah terbitan Berita Minggu 13 Mac 2011, sebuah komik telah diluluskan untuk dicetak oleh pihak pengarang untuk tatapan umum. Apekebenda kartunnya tu? Tengok bawah ni:
Mungkin bagi sesetengah orang ini humor. Tapi tolonglah. Bukan semua benda boleh dilawakkan.Bayangkan, kau ada sedara mara kat Jepun semasa kejadian itu, dan kemudian disahkan telah terkorban. Apa mungkin ketika itu baru kau nak pakai otak? baghal!
Aku x salahkan kartunis tu langsung. Yang aku salahkan kepada Sang Ketua ataupun sape2 sahaja yang berkuasa untuk meluluskan kartun ini dicetak. Kenapa? Sang kartunis cuma menghantar artworknya utk memenuhi slot yang telah diperuntukkan utk dia setiap minggu. Sudah tentu draft itu perlu dihantar dan disemak oleh ketua dan kemudian kalau dia rasa kartun itu x sesuai, dia boleh maki kartunis itu sendiri sambil meminta beliau melukis kartun yang lain.
Ini susahnya kalau dapat ketua yang bangang tahap mengalahkan unta padang pasir. Kalau bab keje nak hentam pembangkang selamba biawak padang pasir sanggup mengedit berkali2 berita, material agar segalanya nampak buruk.
Ya aku tahu mereka telah mengeluarkan kenyataan meminta maaf di sini. Tapi berita ini telah pun menyebabkan nama Malaysia jadi busuk, hancing, berulat dan sebagainya. Buktinya di sini.
Aku cadangkan agar Ketua yang meluluskan terbitan kartun untuk akhbar ini meletak jawatan, dan kemudian dihantar ke Jepun sebagai menebus dosa-dosa kerana kebaghalannya dengan membantu menyelamatkan mangsa2 Tsunami di sana, tanpa gaji.
Time tu baru kau tahu apa rasanya duduk dalam kasut orang jepun!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I dream of....
Everyday, I keep on dreaming of:
Ahh..what a wonderful life. I don't really mind to have a very lot of money like others. Enough to make myself and my family living in comfort.
When will my dream fulfilled?
5 years more?
10 years more?
- Having a morning breakfast at the stall/restaurant with a peaceful of mind while watching other people rushing to their workplace, and I can have my breakfast without have to thinking coming late to the office.
- Spending my morning everyday by cycling around the beach. Watching the sunrise while feeling the serenity of the morning air.
- Sitting on my only special couch(nothing special actually, enough with anyone can't have a seat on my only couch..lulz), reading newspaper while having sip of hot coffee in my mug.
- Spending my evening everyday by cycling around the beach. Watching the sunset.
- Sleeping with a peace of mind, without need to thinks the office problem....
Ahh..what a wonderful life. I don't really mind to have a very lot of money like others. Enough to make myself and my family living in comfort.
When will my dream fulfilled?
5 years more?
10 years more?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Signs of Impending Doom for Global Economy 2011
Economics / Global Economy Mar 10, 2011 - 01:46 AM
By: Chris_Kitze
If you are not aware of how rapidly the global economic situation is unraveling you need to snap out of it and start paying attention. The world economy was relatively stable in 2010, but here in 2011 things are deteriorating very quickly. Right now there is major civil unrest in at least a dozen different nations in Africa and the Middle East. The civil war going on in Libya has sent the price of oil skyrocketing and the protests that are scheduled to begin in Saudi Arabia later this month could send oil prices even higher.
Meanwhile, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe just seems to get worse by the day. Several nations in Europe are suddenly finding that it has become extremely expensive to finance more debt. It appears that it will only be a matter of time before more bailouts are needed. Meanwhile, the United States is also covered in a sea of red ink and the economic situation in the largest economy on earth continues to deteriorate rapidly. It is as if the entire world financial system has caught a virus that it just can't shake, and now it looks like another massive wave of financial disaster could be about to strike. Does the global economy have enough strength to weather a major oil crisis in 2011? How much debt can the largest nations in North America and Europe take on before the entire system collapses under the weight? Will 2011 be a repeat of 2008 or are we going to be able to get through the rest of the year okay? Only time will tell.
But it is quickly becoming clear that we are reaching a tipping point. If the price of oil keeps going up, all hopes for any kind of an "economic recovery" will be completely wiped out. But if the globe does experience another economic slowdown, it could potentially turn the simmering sovereign debt crisis into an absolute nightmare. The U.S. and most nations in Europe are having a very difficult time servicing their debts and they desperately need tax revenues to increase. If another major economic downturn causes tax revenues to go down again it could unleash absolute chaos on world financial markets.
The global economy is more interconnected than ever, and so a major crisis in one area of the world can have a cascading effect on the rest of the globe. Just as we saw back in 2008, if financial disaster strikes nobody is going to escape completely unscathed.
So what should we expect for the rest of 2011? Well, the truth is that it doesn't look good. The following are 21 signs of impending doom for the 2011 economy....
#1 The civil war in Libya now looks like it could drag on for an extended period of time, and that is likely to drive the global price of oil even higher.
#2 Barack Obama is publicly saying that NATO is now considering "potential military options" for solving the crisis in Libya.
#3 Kuwait exports more oil than Libya does, and it looks like the civil unrest that has been sweeping the rest of the Middle East is now starting to spread to that country.
#4 In Saudi Arabia, protest groups are planning a "Day of Rage" on March 11th. If a revolution breaks out in that nation the entire global economy is going to be thrown into turmoil.
#5 The average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States increased by 33 cents during the two-week period that ended last Friday.
#6 According to the Oil Price Information Service, U.S. drivers spent an average of $347 on gasoline during the month of February, which was 30 percent more than a year earlier.
#7 It is being reported that the average price of a gallon of gasoline in Europe has hit an all-time record of $8.63 a gallon.
#8 Ivory Coast produces nearly 40 percent of all the cocoa in the world and protests against the government there are becoming increasingly violent. If this violence continues to escalate you will soon be paying a lot more for chocolate.
#9 The yield on 10-year Portuguese bonds has increased to 7.6%.
#10 The yield on 10-year Irish bonds has soared to 8.1%.
#11 The yield on 10-year Greek bonds has skyrocketed to a whopping 12.8%.
#12 Moody’s Investors Service has reduced the rating of Greek government debt three levels all the way down to B1.
#13 According to the United Nations, the global price of food set another brand new record high during the month of February. That was the 8th month in a row that global food prices have gone up.
#14 According to the World Bank, global food prices have soared 29% over the last 12 months.
#15 The United Nations is projecting that the global price of food will increase by another 30 percent by the end of 2011.
#16 23 percent of all residential properties with a mortgage in the U.S. were in negative equity as of the end of 2010.
#17 In the state of Nevada, approximately 65 percent of all homeowners with a mortgage owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth.
#18 Two years ago, the average U.S. homeowner that was being foreclosed upon had not made a mortgage payment in 11 months. Today, the average U.S. homeowner that is being foreclosed upon has not made a mortgage payment in 17 months.
#19 Since 2005, the United States has shelled out 1.1 trillion dollars for products from China but China has only spent 272 billion dollars on products from the United States. This trade imbalance is causing the global financial system to become increasingly unstable.
#20 Collectively, the 50 U.S. state governments are facing a budget shortfall of 125 billion dollars for fiscal 2012.
#21 The U.S. government had a budget deficit of 233 billion dollars during the month of February, which was the largest federal budget deficit ever recorded for a single month.
We are living in the middle of the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world, and a major oil crisis could potentially be the needle that bursts it for good. But if the global debt bubble bursts it is going to be a financial disaster unlike anything we have ever seen before.
Let's hope that things can hold together for the rest of 2011, but right now things look really shaky.
You might want to make sure that your assets are protected and that you are not overexposed because a lot of people are going to get wiped out if things take a turn for the worse.
The economic good times that so many of us have enjoyed for decades are not guaranteed to last forever. The world is changing and it is becoming increasingly unstable.
Nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next, but at this point just about anything is possible.
Read more at The End of the American Dream
Link: BDN
Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan,
Baca boleh, percaya ikut nafsi-nafsi,
Economics / Global Economy Mar 10, 2011 - 01:46 AM
By: Chris_Kitze
If you are not aware of how rapidly the global economic situation is unraveling you need to snap out of it and start paying attention. The world economy was relatively stable in 2010, but here in 2011 things are deteriorating very quickly. Right now there is major civil unrest in at least a dozen different nations in Africa and the Middle East. The civil war going on in Libya has sent the price of oil skyrocketing and the protests that are scheduled to begin in Saudi Arabia later this month could send oil prices even higher.
Meanwhile, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe just seems to get worse by the day. Several nations in Europe are suddenly finding that it has become extremely expensive to finance more debt. It appears that it will only be a matter of time before more bailouts are needed. Meanwhile, the United States is also covered in a sea of red ink and the economic situation in the largest economy on earth continues to deteriorate rapidly. It is as if the entire world financial system has caught a virus that it just can't shake, and now it looks like another massive wave of financial disaster could be about to strike. Does the global economy have enough strength to weather a major oil crisis in 2011? How much debt can the largest nations in North America and Europe take on before the entire system collapses under the weight? Will 2011 be a repeat of 2008 or are we going to be able to get through the rest of the year okay? Only time will tell.
But it is quickly becoming clear that we are reaching a tipping point. If the price of oil keeps going up, all hopes for any kind of an "economic recovery" will be completely wiped out. But if the globe does experience another economic slowdown, it could potentially turn the simmering sovereign debt crisis into an absolute nightmare. The U.S. and most nations in Europe are having a very difficult time servicing their debts and they desperately need tax revenues to increase. If another major economic downturn causes tax revenues to go down again it could unleash absolute chaos on world financial markets.
The global economy is more interconnected than ever, and so a major crisis in one area of the world can have a cascading effect on the rest of the globe. Just as we saw back in 2008, if financial disaster strikes nobody is going to escape completely unscathed.
So what should we expect for the rest of 2011? Well, the truth is that it doesn't look good. The following are 21 signs of impending doom for the 2011 economy....
#1 The civil war in Libya now looks like it could drag on for an extended period of time, and that is likely to drive the global price of oil even higher.
#2 Barack Obama is publicly saying that NATO is now considering "potential military options" for solving the crisis in Libya.
#3 Kuwait exports more oil than Libya does, and it looks like the civil unrest that has been sweeping the rest of the Middle East is now starting to spread to that country.
#4 In Saudi Arabia, protest groups are planning a "Day of Rage" on March 11th. If a revolution breaks out in that nation the entire global economy is going to be thrown into turmoil.
#5 The average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States increased by 33 cents during the two-week period that ended last Friday.
#6 According to the Oil Price Information Service, U.S. drivers spent an average of $347 on gasoline during the month of February, which was 30 percent more than a year earlier.
#7 It is being reported that the average price of a gallon of gasoline in Europe has hit an all-time record of $8.63 a gallon.
#8 Ivory Coast produces nearly 40 percent of all the cocoa in the world and protests against the government there are becoming increasingly violent. If this violence continues to escalate you will soon be paying a lot more for chocolate.
#9 The yield on 10-year Portuguese bonds has increased to 7.6%.
#10 The yield on 10-year Irish bonds has soared to 8.1%.
#11 The yield on 10-year Greek bonds has skyrocketed to a whopping 12.8%.
#12 Moody’s Investors Service has reduced the rating of Greek government debt three levels all the way down to B1.
#13 According to the United Nations, the global price of food set another brand new record high during the month of February. That was the 8th month in a row that global food prices have gone up.
#14 According to the World Bank, global food prices have soared 29% over the last 12 months.
#15 The United Nations is projecting that the global price of food will increase by another 30 percent by the end of 2011.
#16 23 percent of all residential properties with a mortgage in the U.S. were in negative equity as of the end of 2010.
#17 In the state of Nevada, approximately 65 percent of all homeowners with a mortgage owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth.
#18 Two years ago, the average U.S. homeowner that was being foreclosed upon had not made a mortgage payment in 11 months. Today, the average U.S. homeowner that is being foreclosed upon has not made a mortgage payment in 17 months.
#19 Since 2005, the United States has shelled out 1.1 trillion dollars for products from China but China has only spent 272 billion dollars on products from the United States. This trade imbalance is causing the global financial system to become increasingly unstable.
#20 Collectively, the 50 U.S. state governments are facing a budget shortfall of 125 billion dollars for fiscal 2012.
#21 The U.S. government had a budget deficit of 233 billion dollars during the month of February, which was the largest federal budget deficit ever recorded for a single month.
We are living in the middle of the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world, and a major oil crisis could potentially be the needle that bursts it for good. But if the global debt bubble bursts it is going to be a financial disaster unlike anything we have ever seen before.
Let's hope that things can hold together for the rest of 2011, but right now things look really shaky.
You might want to make sure that your assets are protected and that you are not overexposed because a lot of people are going to get wiped out if things take a turn for the worse.
The economic good times that so many of us have enjoyed for decades are not guaranteed to last forever. The world is changing and it is becoming increasingly unstable.
Nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next, but at this point just about anything is possible.
Read more at The End of the American Dream
Link: BDN
Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan,
Baca boleh, percaya ikut nafsi-nafsi,
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Datang keje. Slot kad. Tapau milo. Standby nak masuk ofis.
Atas motor. Ada panggilan masuk. Buat bodoh dulu.
Dah parking motor. Panggilan masuk lagi. Tengok nombor. Senior yang call.
Dalam hati" Jadah apa mamat ni call aku di awal pagi ni? Ni mesti ada masalah besau ni"
Tepat sangkaan aku.
Satu seksyen breakdown.
Emulsion system x bley jalan.
Rubber bellow pecah.
Turun bawah cellar.
Banjir wa cakap sama lu.
Banjir dengan air emulsion.
Separuh safety boot aku tenggelam.
Ko bayangkan paip besar 10 inci working pressure 10 bar. (flow rate aku x igt, tapi memang tinggilah)
Pastu ada burst point yang besar.
Konpom fluid mancut cam air pancut depan dataran MBMB kat Melaka.
Second boss siap bley buat lawak ngn general worker.
Buat gaya2 berenang kuat bebas.
Boss aku adalah 2-3 kali turun site tgk kitorang wat keje.
Yang aku pelik mood boss aku ok je.
Biar dah setengah tank emulsion hilang.
Wa rasa penangan kemenangan Liverpool last week masih segar dalam minda fans dorang.
Maklumlah menang pon sekali sekala je.
Nak2 lawan MU.
Apa2 pon aku rasa kelakar arini.
Sebab datang keje bley main air sama2 ngn senior aku.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Persona R
- Persona R ataupun Persona Replacement Model diwar2kan akan dilancarkan pada awal tahun 2012.
- Persona adalah merupakan salah satu varian keluaran PROTON. Model jenis sedan 4 pintu. Lebih sesuai untuk para keluarga. Mungkin sebab tu PROTON x pernah sumbat Campro CPS dalam kereta Persona ni. Campro CPS cuma ada dalam Gen-2, Neo, Waja dan Exora. CPS bermaksud Cam Profile Switching. Ala-ala macam VTEC dari Hondalah.
- Model Persona sekarang ni sudah menghampiri penghujung lifecycle nya.Kalau anda pernah belajar subjek Industrial Design, setiap produk ada lifecyclenya.Kalau mengikut ramalannya, lifecycle Persona dalam anggaran 5 tahun. Ini adalah sesuatu yang membanggakan buat Proton sebab mampu mengeluarkan model gantian baru dalam tempoh 5 tahun, menyamai pembuat2 kereta dari Jepun.
- Proton memang confirm akan buat Replacement model untuk Persona. Last time aku jumpa member aku keje kilang lampu, dia handle sebahagian projek design head light Persona R. Gerek oh! Member aku cakap kemungkinan besar lampu Headlight Persona R tu nanti ala2 macam lampu Audi TT. Ada daylight lamp.
- Sejak dari KLIMS 2010 lagi, rumors berkenaan Persona R ini telah bertiup kencang. Among 5 new model exhibited by PROTON at that time (which are known as Tuah, Jebat, Kasturi, Lekir, Lekiu; 5 pahlawan Melaka), the Tuah will be mass produced as Persona R. If you noticed, current Saga FL is based on Kasturi model.
- Kalau betuiah Persona R tu adalah Tuah, memang gerek seh. Ni kalau bawak keter ni jalan2 tepi Pantai Klebang mesti terasa macam Hang Tuah bersiar menyusuri persisiran pantai Melaka bawak Taming Sari sambil menunggang kudanya yang lari gagah berani.
- Harap2 untuk model Persona R ni Engineer PROTON akan gunakan enjin CPS.And kalau nak buat model hi-line, bleyah sumbat dengan CPS Soft Turbo (kalau dah siaplah), CVT gearbox (ini adalah antara sebab utama PROTON Rebadge Mitsubishi Lancer, nak buat RE berkaitan CVT..kasi cilok itu teknologi) dan paddle shift.Ride and Handling by PROTON. dah xpayah pakai nama Lotus dah..kejadah apa masih lagi pakai nama LOTUS.
- Jangan lupa Push Start Button juga dan harga xyahlah mahal2 sgt. Alangkan civic kat Japan pon dalam 70k je. (compare Apple to Apple)
- Last, pesal post aku kali ni cam lebih teknikal je?
Gambar dicilok daripada laman web Paultan
☺Bley masuk dalam list ni..mwahaha
Friday, March 4, 2011
Memorabilia: Budak Hostel
Kalau anda salah seorang budak hostel masa zaman-zaman remaja, anda pasti pernah melalui sebahagian perkara-perkara berikut:
- Tidur lambat sebab senior saja2 panggil ramai2 satu batch melepak dalam dorm dorang.
- Makan megi dalam gayung, baldi, bekas plastik ataupon tahap paling malas bukak plastik megi elok2 lepas tu curah je air panas dalam tu.
- Makan penampar dan penerajang senior kalau buat salah.
- Gantung baju, seluar, singlet, spentot dekat lampu kalimantang kalau hari hujan. Nak biar cepat kering sebab kebanyakan lampu kalimantang dan kipas duduk sebelah menyebelah.
- Makan menu 'ikan jaket'
- Makan mihun keras tahap2 dawai sidai kain.
- Buat roti bakar dengan cara menyeterika roti2 tersebut.
- Buat aksi seperti menunggang motorsikal. Kalau sekolah aku acara ini dipanggil 'naik moto'. Caranya, tegakkan badan,bengkokkan lutut 90 darjah, hulur tangan kedepan. Mampus keras ko tahan kejang. Ada sorang senior aku dulu perangai saling x tumpah macam Benjamin Nyetahuayaiabcilako. Ada die suruh buat gaya 'naik motor' Harley Davidson? Gila bangsat kejang dia ko rasa lepas tu.
- Main kejar2 dengan warden dalam acara lambat pegi skolah waktu pagi, lambat naik mandi waktu petang lepas main bola, kantoi 'fly' di waktu malam dan juga acara keluar haram waktu persekolahan x mintak sign warden.
- Acara renang berganti2 di kolah tempat mandi. Paling best lepas pukul 12 malam. Memang heaven.
- Kena libas dengan warden sebab lambat datang surau.
- Gaduh dengan budak batch lain. Sekolah aku dulu memang dah macam tradisi. Form 5 ngan Form 3 memang x pernah ngam. Hari We Dine In Hell.
- Main acara belasah2 pakai bantal.
- Main bola dalam dorm.
- Suruh budak junior kejut waktu subuh. sebab juniors ni senang gilos bangun awal. Mungkin hati2 mereka masih lagi sesuci salju di bening kali.
- Tidor ramai2 atas lantai sambil bawak turun tilam.
- Tuju mercun thunderclap, roket ke arah Asrama Puteri.
- Tengok TV hanya waktu weekend. Kalau ada citer best sanggup berlari dari surau lepas Isyak sebab nak dapat port best depan TV. Lepas tu sampai tengah malamlah melepak dalam tu sebab x nak kasi orang lain amik port.
- Kena kacau dengan geng2 Mak Limah. Ala..biasalah tu....Asrama mana xde geng2 Mak Limah?
♠ Best betol bila teringatkan zaman remaja di asrama.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Keep on MARCHing..
- March dalam bahasa PPSMI, Maris dalam Bahasa Arab dan Mac dalam Bahasa UMNO..ops silap..Bahasa Melayu. Actually, it's all the same. A nouns that referring to the third Month in a year of Masehi..ah..senang cakap kalender omputihlah...
- Ada apa dengan bulan Mac?
- Satu, bulan ni genaplah aku berusia 17 tahun 11 bulan.
- Dua, karier? Dah setahun menabur bakti dalam kompeni skrg ni, jadi tanggungjawap dah makin bertambah. Dulu masa zaman2 innocent bleyah buat2 ayu skit kalau tersalah dalam buat kerja (ayat x bley belah)...sekarang ni susah sikit. Tekanan kerja makin bertambah. Dahlah skop kerje aku sebagai seorang pomen dalam kompeni ni sangat luas. Bayangkan aku kena me'maintan'kan 8 line @ seksyen, dan hanya aku seorang pomen yang bertanggungjawab sambil dibantu oleh beberapa orang subordinate yang otai2 (sib baik ada dorang). Daripada 8 line tu, 2 line kritikal...2 line ni dah macam adik beradik...kalau sorang meragam, kang esok lusa yang sorang lagi mulalah ngada2 nak meragam...Gua rasa nak terajang je Hydraulic System line2 ni semua kalau meragam...hahaha..tapi gua tetap x bley lawan bos gua..bos gua selamba je jaga 15 line (rasanyalah..x pun plus minus 1)..gua rasa bos gua lagi tensen..sib baik bos gua ni baik dan memahami..untung badan...hehehehee
- Tiga, family..baik aku fokus kepada family yang dihasilkan oleh kedua orang tuaku ini dulu....Nak buat family sendiri? X terpikir pon lagi takat ni..tapi kalau ada anak2 Tan Sri, or at least Datuk Seri yang cun2 nak buat family dengan aku, aku tadehal...Kecil tapak tangan, Stadium bola sepak Old Trafford aku tadahkan...hahahahaha
- Empat, hidup mesti diteruskan. Matlamat harus dicapai. Keep on MARCHing!
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Joo Yoo Rin masih lagi setia memberikan semangat kepada Wong Lanang. Kata beliau "Aja! Fighting!" |
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